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Saturday, July 8, 2023

An Arborist with similar advice...

 Here's a professional with a quick video on Instagram showing his process (similar to what we've been doing)... if it helps to see the before after by video, check this out:

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Narberth STC Presentation

 Tonight we had the honor of presenting to the Narberth Shade Tree Commission. 

The goal was to walk through the Winter Survey project and findings and encourage the Narberth STC to leverage this information however they can to educate community members on the issue and possibly motivate some to take action!

Ideas included using the Narberth newsletter and related social media.  Looking forward to seeing if the community gets interested or not.

I've posted the presentation as a PDF here, hopefully it is still available for download if you are reading this and want it.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Winter 2023 - Narberth Area Tree Survey Completed


Our neighborhood tree canopy is a revered part of what defines the community; these trees:

Established old growth trees are aging out, and attempts to replace them are pursued by shade tree commissions in both Lower Merion and Narberth. Narberth alone adds ~50+ young trees per year, but not all survive, and these young trees take decades to fully mature into canopy trees.

The Ivy Warriors project started with saving one tree on one street, then after a few walks on nearby blocks... this curiosity quickly turned into a borough area walking survey to gain an understanding of the issue. The outcome is a map of trees under threat of ivy.  This map provides public visibility into scope of the current problem (see below).  

This survey has made it clear that unmanaged ivy (and other vines) are quickly spreading across the borough. Some trees have already been lost and even more are only a few years away from this same fate. If left unchecked, it now seems apparent that a large portion of trees will succumb in less than 5 years, another large portion 5 years behind this.  There will soon be an acceleration of tree loss at a rate that new plantings can not replace.

Ivy should be completely removed from community properties per the invasive species code, but this is not needed to save our tree canopy. Basic management that is good enough to save the trees is simple, easily taught, and only a once per year maintenance activity. Cutting all vines at ground level and continuing to restrict them will allow our trees to recover and also keep the ivy from going to seed and allowing local birds from spreading the seedlings to new properties 

Snapshot of completed walking survey map:

The above is a snapshot of the map as of completion of the walking survey.  If you want to see the live map and interact with it for closer inspection, or to track updates as progress is made, click hereNote: if you scroll to the bottom of the left column, you can toggle on a satellite image overlay which also adds street names to the map.

Survey Summary:

  • a curb walk survey was performed Dec 2022 - Jan 2023
  • area is bounded inside Montgomery Ave, Wynnewood Ave, & Bowman Ave.
  • about 3/4 of a square mile in area was covered, including all of Narberth
  • photo data was compared against google maps / street view and then plotted
  • 544 markers placed on the map (516 related to trees actively under attack)

Survey strengths:
  • winter survey allowed for leafy english ivy vines to be observed while seasonal leaves are missing
  • comparing collected photos to google map/street view data provided increased location accuracy
  • historical timeline via google street view provided insight into speed of vine growth and in some cases lost trees due to ivy

Survey weaknesses:
  • only trees visible in direct line of sight from street curb could be observed, trees behind buildings or other items could not be surveyed
  • addresses are best guesses based on google maps house numbering and layout, the further the pin is from the street curb, the more difficult it was to make an educated guess at the exact location or address
  • map pins track any visible leafed vine climbing a tree, most is english ivy, but it does not cover other invasive vines that are leafless in the winter and are less visible
  • there is no rating for each point, it could be one attacked tree, or a small cluster.  it could be an early stage attack or a fully mature one
  • photos were posted to provide insight into the worst examples, but not all... and there is no specific match between a photo and a specific marker on the map

Possible Next Steps:
  • general education of the public including a raised awareness:
    • of the value of our tree canopy: financial, health, and environmental
    • of the scope and intensity of the issue of vines attacking our tree canopy
    • that it is our citizen duty to completely remove english ivy from properties in compliance with recently passed local codes denoting english ivy as an invasive species
  • communication channels that could be leveraged:
    • social media channels related to shade tree commission, local government, local gardening, and other environmentally focused groups
    • local government newsletters and email channels
    • sponsored postcard mailers to residents
    • word of mouth, or door to door canvassing
  • call to action within these communications:
    • ask homeowners to remediate all climbing vines from trees by cutting a "one inch moat ring" around the base of the tree (on trunk close to ground, or around base of root flare on the ground) and maintain this yearly
      • advise that vines not be pulled from trees as this could damage trees further, but instead allow vines to die off and decay naturally
    • suggest that ivy (and other climbing vines) be completely removed from groundcover and property if possible
    • request reporting of areas where property owners need assistance with this and support these requests with a small volunteer group, create a channel to collect and track these requests
    • recruit a small group of volunteers across the borough to receive these requests providing consent to enter property and remediate for property owners in situations where they can't do it themselves
    • recruit a small group of volunteers to approach public parks and other properties where no specific owner can be held responsible for this effort

This blog will continue to provide updates as they are uncovered, come back to the homepage periodically to check up on our efforts.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Trees Mapped - Sabine and North

The winter 2023 Narberth area tree survey has come to a conclusion... we added a few trees to the map for hope of future remediation.

Up N Wynnewood Rd to Montgomery Ave and Hansen Ct...

Further on Montgomery Ave, down N. Essex to Elm Terrace...

Back up Dudley Ave and Wynnedale Rd...

Finishing Montgomery Ave back to Sabine Park.

Learn more about the ivy warriors mission by clicking here!

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Trees Mapped - Around Narbrook Park

The winter 2023 Narberth area tree survey continues... we added a few trees to the map for hope of future remediation.

Around Narbrook Park...

Up N. Wynnewood Ave to Sabine...

Sabine to Conway...

Down Conway back to Windsor...

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Trees Mapped - Sabine Park down Dudley

The winter 2023 Narberth area tree survey continues... we added a few trees to the map for hope of future remediation.

Started between Forrest Ave and N. Essex Ave...

Up N. Essex Ave and around Sabine Park...

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Trees Mapped - Iona to Montgomery

The winter 2023 Narberth area tree survey continues... we added a few trees to the map for hope of future remediation.

Started with Montgomery Ave between Haverford Ave and Iona Ave...

And the triangle between Iona Ave, Montgomery Ave, and Meeting House Ln...

Down Hampden Ave to Windsor...

The Grayling Ave spur...

N. Narberth Ave and Price Ave to Montgomery Ave...

Learn more about the ivy warriors mission by clicking here!